Updated June 15, 2019
The use of mobile devices certainly has changed consumers online habits in an unprecedented way. Did you know that 66% of brand emails are now opened on a smartphone? Or that 63% of all web traffic is now to mobile ...
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Effective Websites
These 7 Website Mistakes Limit Your Digital Marketing Results
Updated April 23, 2019
It seems like social media gets all the attention in digital marketing these days. We take for granted that having a sound website is a foundation for all your digital marketing efforts.
In reality, many organizations do ...
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Time for Spring Cleaning. Does your Digital Presence Spark Joy?
Have you seen the Marie Kondo show or read her books? Her guide to decluttering and simplifying your life is hugely popular and has even led to a spike in donations at Goodwill and thrift stores nationwide. It's as much about deciding what to keep as ...
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Are You Secure?
Web Security is Important for Small Business Owners Too!
There are simple steps you can take to make sure that your website and your website visitors are protected.
When you think of cyber attacks, you might picture an action movie where ...
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Does Content Help You in Search?
When you need to find information, where do you look?
If your answer was Google, you are not alone. Here is a staggering statistic: Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second, or over 3.5 billion searches per day. [Source]
We ...
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Do they have time for you?
Did you ever send something by email to someone while you are talking on the phone with them? As soon as you say you sent it, you’re likely to hear “I didn’t get it yet.” How our expectations have changed.
150 years ago, Pony Express was a fast ...
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Spend Time to Make Time
For the past few years, I've started the year thinking about a theme that captures where I think we need to focus to help our customers reach the next level. In the past, these themes have included Give Your Customers a Great Experience, Tell Your ...
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Get Started On Your Digital Marketing Strategy
The web, social media, and the shift to mobile devices is transforming the way we live, work, shop, and do business. Consumers have integrated the web into their everyday lives and activities. Businesses need to do the same. Too many small ...
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